
做完意式芝士藍莓凍之後,剩下了半個清蛋糕,於是乎今晚又動動手做了這個小點心!(Recipe Modified from Diana's Dessert:原作者用Bread做這個布丁蛋糕)

250 ml milk
1 vanilla bean (I substitute with 1 tsp vanilla extract).
2 eggs
70g granulated sugar
150g Sponge cake (Sliced)
25g butter, melted
1 tbsp raisins (soaked in warm water until they plump, about 5 minutes)
1 large Apple, 1 banana (cut into 2mm slices) (I added these 2 items in as my own version)

Preheat oven to 300 degrees F (150 C).
Peel, core and slice the apples and place them in a bowl with the 30g suger and melted butter, bring to cook for 1 min in Microwave.
Bring the milk, 40g suger and vanilla to boil in the Microwave for 1 mins. In a large bowl, whisk the eggs. Pour a small amount of the hot milk mixture into the eggs. Stir to temper the eggs (this will prevent the eggs from scrambling when you add the rest of the hot milk). Add the rest of the of the milk to the eggs and whisk to blend.
Cut the Sponge cake into 12 slices and arrange the slices with Apple Slices, Banana slice,in rows in a buttered, ovenproof dish. Drain the raisins and sprinkle them on the cake. Carefully pour the milk mixture over the cake.
Place the pudding pan into a water bath which comes about two-thirds of the way up the side of the pan. Place the water bath into preheated 300 degree F (150 C) oven and bake for 35-40 minutes


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